Crumbl Sugar Cookies

The giant and lovely cookies are sweet and soft. Along with the taste of fresh butter and topped with the almond-flavored buttercream, it always makes one crave it more and more. Crumbl sugar cookies are going viral these days. The whole social media is going wild over these. People are mesmerized by these recipes. You can also make them at home with the toppings you love.

Who does not want to have giant cookies which are gluten-free? Crumbl is known to be Utah-based, a great bakery that always makes big, beautiful, and flavorful cookies. They make sure to release more and more new cookies every week. But I really don’t think that they will be making pink sugar-coated cookies, which are gluten-free and are the copycat of Crumbl sugar cookies. So if you want to have fun, we can make it on our own!

This recipe is easy to make, and it really does not require any extra time so that it can get chilled. I knew I had to recreate and make them more and more flavorful so you can try them as well. It has no-roll or drop-style sugar cookies, but they are more tender and buttery. You can easily make cookie dough in just 15 minutes. You can make the favorite icing that you love, as I will be making my favorite topping, which is almond icing with the color pink.

Ingredients you need:

  • Salt
  • Cream
  • Baking soda
  • Almonds or any extract
  • Vanilla extract
  • Eggs
  • Favorite color gel (I am using a pink one)
  • Oil/butter
  • Sugar
  • Gluten-free flour
  • Powdered sugar

Now let’s dive into the recipe step by step:

  1. It would help if you started by mixing the dough. You can use the stand mixer. Add the wet ingredients and beat them until they are fully fluffy; then add the flour. It would help if you made a soft dough, so add the flour slowly.
  2. Next, you need to scoop out the dough, which is as big as the size of a normal tablespoon. Place the double on the butter paper and line them accordingly. It would help if you pressed down the dough slightly.
  3. Bake the cookies. It would help if you baked them until you found them to be perfect. Let them cool properly.
  4. Now mix the cookie frosting. This is also so easy to make. Add the softened butter to the powdered sugar, and then add the extracts. Mix them until they get fluffy and super soft. Make sure this is easily spreadable.
  5. Once the cookies are cooled, you need to add the frosting on top. Drizzle whatever topping you want on the top. I love adding some colored sprinkles on top.

How can you store them?

They are giant cookies. It would help if you served them chilled exactly at room temperature. They can live without getting stale in the airtight container. But make sure you eat them within three days of the period.

Here are some extra tips you can make them according to your taste:

Measure the flour and all the dry ingredients before adding. Make sure you add the flour slowly. Please make sure the dough and wet ingredients, along with your frosting, are soft and fluff up. Make sure you add the gluten-free flour according to your demand.

You don’t have to overbake the cookies. You don’t have to make them brown. Just make sure they are slightly crispy from the bottom and soft. The cooling method will make them crispy enough. The almond flavor is so strong. Make sure to add it slightly enough. Two tablespoons will be more than enough for this recipe.

Inspiration for my recipe:

Remember to save this delicious recipe on Pinterest for easy access anytime you want to enjoy a festive treat!

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